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The Power of Children Playing Outdoors

By Katharine Sharpstone, Marketing and Strategy Specialist

Recently I was reminded about the lasting power of children playing outdoors. While attending the funeral for my fiance's 92 year old grandmother, her children spoke in the eulogy about her love for the outdoors. She shared that love with her family by encouraging the kids to play outside even if it meant missing the dinner table cleanup. As adults, they spoke fondly of wonderful memories playing outside in the summer in the suburbs of New York City way past their childhood bedtimes. These memories are over 50 years old yet still remain fresh, providing another reminder of the positive impact children's outdoor activities can have even beyond childhood and into adulthood.

Tyke Hike is part of a larger movement to get children outdoors. Research shows that children experience better health and emotional wellness when they spend time in nature. We recently attended a joyful gathering of nature educators that have also embraced this research. Coordinated by Christa at Unplugged Adventures, it was inspirational to converse and collaborate with like minded professionals that are also focused on providing quality nature education for children. In this time of crisis the New York Times shared that “play, especially outdoors, is exactly what children need (more than ever) in order to connect and heal through this collective trauma together."

We’re happy to offer fun, outdoor activities for kids in Atlanta! We led 5 Tyke Hikes last week - a record thus far! And our participants ranged in demographic, neighborhood and age. A family even traveled to us from Fayetteville! While filming a Tyke Hike for Good Day Atlanta with Fox 5 Atlanta, fabulous cameraman Tim likened the experience to going back to our roots. He suggested that we offer Tyke Hike in his neighborhood. We would love to. If you’d also like to have a TYke Hike near you, please reach out! We’d like the benefits of nature to reach as many children and families as possible.

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